Monday, January 25, 2016

Build Week 2 Recap

  In the past week, we have yet again accomplished more of our goals. On Wednesday, we discussed about business strategies and brainstormed ways to get sponsorship. Our business mentor walked us through the process of receiving a letter of support, and coming up with unique characteristics and statistics about our team to attract companies. A couple of students learned how to use GIMP and began designing the team's logo.
  On Saturday, we continued working on our robot. The programming team created a class to easily interface with Xbox360 controllers. They also created a subsystem to control the flywheel shooter and implement a driving system using piece wise functions. 
  The electrical team focused on creating a strip of leds to put on the side of the shooter. They learned how to use ICs to control multiple leds with one input. They soldered leds and ICs onto circuit boards and worked on making animations with the leds.
  The mechanical team worked on multiple tasks. One half of the team worked with CAD and continued to design components while the other half assembled the flywheel shooter prototype and more of the barriers. At the end of the day, we were able to test out the flywheel shooter and the results were amazing. 
  While we are certainly taking giant steps in the building process, there is still so much left to do and only four weeks left to do so! Continue following our journey as we post updates and pictures of our progress here at our blog and in the gallery.   

Saturday, January 16, 2016

Week 1 Build Day Re-cap

    What a day we have had! Production is up in all respects; the mechanical team has already begun CADing the launching mechanism for the robot, and with some help from the ever helpful mentors, constructed some defenses as well.  The programming team has coded some basic drive features, as well as a distance sensor. And the electrical team has already wired up all of the new electrical devices to the robot chassis.
     After all that, we ended the day by testing the limitations of our 8 wheel robot (4 wheels on each side) against the newly constructed defenses. You, dear reader, can check out those super awesome double mega epic videos in the gallery.
     Keep following our team as we continue to achieve greater accomplishments.

Saturday, January 9, 2016

Kick Off Event

  After two months of training and waiting, the 2016 FRC game was finally released today and the build season has begun! This year's game is Stronghold. The objective of the game is to capture the opponents' tower. This is done by shooting boulders(ten inch foam balls) into the towers' windows and "weaken" the tower for capture. During the match, robots must go through game obstacles called "barriers", which include driving across rough terrain, over ramps, opening gates and bringing down draw bridges. The game is explained in more details in the video below, check it out!
  After watching the live stream, students downloaded the game manual and immediately got to work! Students split up into three groups and spent the next five hours analyzing the game rules, arena, game objects, scoring, and coming up with strategies and designs. At the end, the team got a rough idea of what the robot should be able to do and the overall strategy.
  The Kit of Parts came in after the brainstorming session and the team was excited to open up the new shiny components. For the last hour and a half, members got into their work groups and began working on their specialized tasks. The mechanical team started assembling the chassis kit that came with the kit of parts. The electrical student team captain took the electrical team through the tools they will be using and the team prepared two batteries and started preparing the electronic board. The programming team downloaded and updated FRC programs for the 2016 season. They also worked on the website and put up more content.
  As a new team, we are very excited to participate in FRC this year. We hope to have a very fun and memorable experience as we spend the next six weeks building a robot together. We will be competing at Battle Creek Lakeview on March 10th - 12th, and at East Kentwood on March 31 - April 2nd.