Saturday, March 11, 2017

Lakeview Tournament Recap

Lakeview Tournament

That was an amazing tournament! Everyone on the team performed magnificently.

This is what FRC is all about.  Six weeks is not enough time to build a complex robot; things will not work correctly the first time, things will break down.  It's how we rise up to the challenge that defines us. We definitely rose up to the challenge this weekend! Our drive team started off poorly, but throughout the tournament we overcame and adapted to the challenge so we were able to place 29th overall in the district! Not to mention we were also able to coordinate the team to wear crispy matching outfits which snagged us the FRC Judges Imagery Award! The State championships are within our grasp! Wish us luck at our next tournament!

Week 6 Recap


This is our last week of building, we have completed the robot to the best of our abilities. We've adapted to our struggles and dangerous situations and overcame them with style. Now we wait to see how we do at the Lakeview and Gull Lake tournaments. Thank you to all the parents and mentors for guiding and supporting us throughout our journey.

Week 5


Mechanical: The Mechanical Team has spray painted the rest of our components except our newly built climbing mechanism. They also got one large piece of Plexiglas and heated it so we can mend it into the shape of a hopper. Along with the hopper, we need conveyor belts to push the balls into our shooter efficiently which we have up now.

Electrical: Finished wiring all the components together on the 


Programming: Finished programming our gear arm, shooter, conveyor belt, and our manual shifting of gears. We are planning to have an automatic shift later on as the season progresses.

Week 4 Update

Week 4

Mechanical: This week the mechanical team worked around the clock day and night to finish our amazing gear handling system. The team has tested our gear and we can get the gear on the rod about 2 or 3 times in 2 minutes.

Electrical: Finished wiring and installing our pneumatic system and compressors. This means that our robot is able to switch between low and high gear for an extra boost in torque.

Programming: The programmers had many challenges to overcome with the code. They had many compilation errors with Eclipse in C++. They spent a tremendous amount of time trying to fix our compilation errors but instead, ended up switching the code to java so we could avoid the errors.

Monday, February 27, 2017

Week 3 Build Update


This week we finished our construction on our chassis and stylized our slick robot with red, black, and grey. We also built our 3-D printed prototype shooter and tested it out. The accuracy was about 25%, but it is still improving! The infamous Monkeybot from last year was dissambled and used for parts on this years robot. The mechanical team was trained on the art of welding by our skilled mentors.

The Electric team wired all of the RoboRios and talon motors. They also started testing our pneumatic system.

The programmers have continued working on the 2 Raspberry Pis for our visioning system. The visioning system is so we can shoot balls and put gears on autonomously without having to put stress on the driver. Next, the programmers worked on the gyro so when our robot moves with our amazing two speed gearbox, it will stay focused and on path just like our team.

Week 2 Build Update


This week we have worked on welding and general machine shop skills with our mentors. By the end of the week, we have completed the general frame of the robot chassis and welded all the pieces together.

Our programming team was focused and driven on completing our two speed gearbox which allows the robot to shift gears and give us extra speed and momentum. The team is using java eclipse neon, the newest technology in coding.

Build Week 1 Update!


Marvelous work by all of our members this week! Our robot is taking shape!! This week we have made great progress on our new prototype shooting system.

Time to pimp out our robot! We have completed a series of epileptic LED light shows that will cause the other teams to marvel in awe at our awesome robot.

Saturday, January 14, 2017

2017 Kickoff

   What a fabulous kickoff! All of our returning members were so excited to see the new competition, and WOW does it look amazing!
   We watched the game reveal on the FRC website, and then proceeded to carefully read the rules of the game. Team Zoobotix never skips the crucial step of  understanding the game because to build an effective robot, we need to know exactly what our goals are and we can and cannot do in each year's game.
   After everyone read the rules meticulously, we got down to brainstorming ideas for our robot! While I am not at liberty to share with you the exact ideas we are currently working on, share with you that it is super fun and exciting!
   Moral is high as a new year, and a new robotics competition, starts up. Cheers to another fantabulous FRC season of building!