This past Saturday was once again very productive and exciting! The mechanical team rebuilt the flywheel shooter with modifications and it now shoots the ball much more consistently and accurately. The mechanical team also have built a second robot with a catapult attached. By the end of the day, both robots have been tested and had great results. The shooter was more consistent.
The programming team worked on implementing sensors onto the robots. They wired up a gyro and an encoder and learned how to read values from them. These values are being used as feedback for positioning. The team also looked into vision processing and began creating algorithms to track the high goals.
Reaching out for sponsorship is one of our top priorities! The business team created a powerpoint to show businesses our motives and goals and to spread words about the team in the local communities.
The drive trials have began. Over the next few weeks, students will practice driving the robots and get comfortable operating them in a safe manner. Using fair time-based trials, the team will determine the drive teams for the upcoming competitions.
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